my recommendation on Cook County judge retention votes (Nov 3, 2020 election)

 While I'm OK with voting "no" on all judges, on the theory that so few judges are voted out that there is no possibility of voting out a good judge... I do respect the people who want to vote "yes" on good judges.

I do have a list. Basically, I went out to a number of practicing attorneys and asked for their recommendations and filled in the rest with my judgment of whether they would be replaces with someone better. I did use the Injustice Watch site for information.

I recommend viewing positive endorsements from the bar associations with skepticism. As the official sources of recommendations, judges know how to manipulate the bar associations.

Name, in order on ballot

Pucinski, Aurelia Marie (appellate court)no
Rochford, Mary Katherine (appellate court)no
Toomin, Michael
Flannery, Jr., James Patrick yes
Coghlan, Mary Ellen yes
Sutker-Dermer, Shelley Lynnno
Martin, Patricia Manilano
Wadas, Kenneth
Wojkowski, Gregory J.yes
Gordon, Robert E.yes
Nixon, Lewisno
Brennan, Margaret Annno
Brosnahan, Janet Adamsno
Felice, Peter
Kennedy, Kerry M. no
Lewis, Casandrayes
Sullivan, Laura Marie no
Vega, Raul yes
Hyman, Michael B.yes
Powell, Joan E.yes
Sherlock, Patrick
Kirby, Maureen Ward yes
Arce, Edward A.yes
O'Hara, James N.yes
Araujo, Mauriciono
Byrne, Thomas
Collins-Dole, Annyes
Cooper, Donna L.yes
Demacopoulos, Anna Helen no
Kenworthy, Diana L.yes
Loza, Pamela Elizabeth yes
Portman-Brown, Jackie Marie no
Ross, Dominique C.yes
Ryan, Kristyna Colleen yes
Walker, Debra
Walowski, Ursula yes
Kyriakopoulos, Anthony C. "Tony"no
Moreland, Caroline Kate no
Carroll, Thomas
Cobbs, Cynthia Y.yes
Kubasiak, Daniel
Buford, Andrea M.yes
Meyerson, Pamela McLean yes
Lawler, Chris yes
Allegretti, John Michaelno
Rivers, Kristal yes
Watkins, Steven
Romanek, Abbey Fishmanyes
Raines, William
Rice, Judith yes
Coughlin, Patrick Kevin no
Curry, John no
Goldish, Megan Elizabethno
Hansen, Anjana yes
Kuzas, Robert D.yes
Mahoney, John
Martinez, Maritza yes
McGuire, Terrence
Mitchell, Bridget Anneyes
Pieczonka, James Paulyes
Rosario, Diana yes
Sheahan, Patricia O'Brien yes


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