While I'm OK with voting "no" on all judges, on the theory that so few judges are voted out that there is no possibility of voting out a good judge... I do respect the people who want to vote "yes" on good judges. I do have a list. Basically, I went out to a number of practicing attorneys and asked for their recommendations and filled in the rest with my judgment of whether they would be replaces with someone better. I did use the Injustice Watch site for information. I recommend viewing positive endorsements from the bar associations with skepticism. As the official sources of recommendations, judges know how to manipulate the bar associations. Name, in order on ballot Pucinski, Aurelia Marie (appellate court) no Rochford, Mary Katherine (appellate court) no Toomin, Michael P. no Flannery, Jr., James Patrick yes Coghlan, Mary Ellen yes Sutker-Dermer, Shelley Lynn no Martin, Patricia Manila no Wadas, Kenneth J. no Wojkowski, Gregory J. yes Gordon, Robert E. ye...