remapping Illinois US House districts to make IL-04 & IL-05 Latino districts
I have begun the process of remapping Illinois' US House districts using demographic data from Wikipedia and My goal is to make a map that more accurately reflects the demographics of Illinois. There's a logic to the map that makes sense to me, but I have not focused on creating a bunch of comfortable Democrat districts. See Dave Wasserman's example of this approach. I have avoided creating comfortable Democrat districts because the most reliable way to do this is to prop up "comfortable Dem" districts with Latino, Black and Asian voters who then get to vote Democrat but not be elected as Democrats. (Yes, there are exceptions, like Rep. Lauren Underwood, but the norm is more like having Reps. Bill Foster, Marie Newman (previously Dan Lipinski) and Mike Quigley blocking the path for Latinos.) The draft maps: Illinois' Fourth (IL-04) District ( Wikipedia on current district ): Il...